SIM-less is wanted
The future of the internet is not only to connect people but to connect things to people: Internet of Things (IoT). This includes the development of wireless technologies with large coverage, long range (LoRa) and low costs.
The LoRaWAN® technology by Semtech Corporation has become the de facto technology for the Internet of Things networks worldwide.
We are proud that our sdc Smart Data Systems are equipped with latest LoRaWAN-TED interfaces. Our further development (TED: Transmission Extension Device) of LoRaWAN® has proven itself in practice - especially for industrial and private networks.
a good choice for the Internet of Things (IoT)
LoRaWAN® (Long Range) radio can bridge up to 15 km outdoor, in contrast to common wireless technologies like WLAN and Bluetooth that cover up to 100m distance only.
One benefit of Long Range wireless technology is the significant reduction of costs for network structures: no costs for cables or their installation, no costs for radio repeaters or SIM cards. This makes it possible to collect data that have not been addressed yet for reasons of high costs.
Long Range LoRaWAN® covers up to 15 km outdoor and up to 1 km indoor, depending on topology.
Free of charge LoRaWAN® can be used free of charge.
Low power LoRaWAN® is a power-saving technology that can be applied to battery-operating devices.
Common LoRaWAN® sends data via internet
The architecture of LoRaWAN® (Long Range Wide Area Network) requires an active internet connection that controls the flow of data from end devices to network and application servers. The data of end devices can be accessed by the user only via internet. This requirement of internet connectivity is one disadvantage of LoRaWAN®. Especially in rural areas this can be a problem: weak or missing internet connections prevent the function of LoRaWAN®. Also data are sent to commonly used internet data bases.